For the last few months I´ve been working with SKB (children with cancer association) on making a new doll for them, to give to children with cancer. The first prototype arrived today and I´m extremely happy with the outcome. He/ she has no name, for it should be without gender. I hope that shows trough […]
All posts filed under ‘Toy’
Lundakast / Puffin throw at Children´s Culture Festival 2019
Léttur í Lunda or Light as a Puffin is a collaboration project between me and designer Hanna Jónsdóttir. Light as a Puffin had it´s annual games of puffin throw at the Reykjavík Town Hall. We had lots of fun guests and received quite a few fantastic new game ideas. Big thanx to everybody that came […]
Going Totally Crazy Without Being Judged For It
I had a visit the the other day, from Kadri Koop, a very talented cinematographer living in Los Angeles. She made a little video about me and my work. Here is a link to her work;
Stuffed toy bears
Starting a new fun thing, making stuffed toys 😀